Posted by: physicalimmortalitythemasspossibility | August 7, 2012


In the ‘FUN WAY’, fun emanates from a deep loving space within the heart and spirit. It is an educational and playful celebration of the ‘party of ongoing, healthy life’!
Peter William Fremlin said – ‘A beautiful blend of science and spirituality. It is well written and obviously the fruition of passion, perseverance and an eagerness to shed even more light on, “the divine life intelligence within.” Simply,a joy to read.’

‘THE FUN WAY OF PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY PHILOSOPHY’ book is now available through in printed form    AND eBook 

Shareall at said -’ Your Fantastic ebook! …Your words are divine nectar. I have been sharing the same for years … To read it put so eloquently by you, is beyond wonderful !

Mystic Life, author of Unification: Sexual Wake-Up Call, You & Your Tribe, The Words of Mystic Life, and Reflections on Physical Immortality said  –  ’Janni Lloyd’s ’The Fun Way of Physical Immortality Philosophy’ is a pleasure to explore!  Her emphasis upon optimism, joy and self-empowerment is a welcome addition to physical immortality literature!’                                                         

Lynn Wakefield said – ‘I checked into a holiday resort to devote time to reading your book….one of the most awesome books, if not the most awesome book I have ever read! Love it, love it, love it!’

A little about me – I was a medical doctor for 20 yrs then moved into alternative/complimentary medicine. I have been researching and living healthy life extension / physical immortality philosophy since 1992. I approach it from the perspectives of psychology, alternative/complimentary medicine, spirituality, medical science and quantum physics.

Below is the Table of Contents , the Introduction and some of Chapter 1..


CHAPTER 1 – The Birthing of the Physical Immortality Concept
CHAPTER 2 – Love, Gratitude and Praise
CHAPTER 3 – Sing, Sing, Sing
CHAPTER 4 – A Vision Splendid
CHAPTER 5 – Colour Your Life
CHAPTER 6 – New-trition
CHAPTER 7 – Shall We Dance
CHAPTER 8 – Create a ‘Youthage’ Bouquet
CHAPTER 9 – The Seeds Planted by Stories and Movies
CHAPTER 10 – Fun in Natures Playground

Is the heart of humanity opening to another choice? Does the physical body actually have a ‘use by date’? The doubling of the average life span in western culture over the last 100 or so years and the rapid increase in the last couple of decades is causing widespread questioning………..
And what if you could access a ‘heavenly’ state of being and multidimensional reality, right here, right NOW? What if you didn’t think you had a ‘use by date’. What if you could re-invent yourself – or re-incarnate yourself—into another life adventure ‘without passing go’ and collecting $200 anyway.
That’s ridiculous, I hear you shout. But wait a minute, remember those people who used to believe the earth was flat. They looked all around and it was definitely flat as far they could see.
You look around you and there are a lot of people dying—but aren’t they just living and dying out their deep beliefs. What if physical death is becoming a choice! What if the old belief that death is inevitable is like the flat earth belief?
We’ll birth this concept with a playful romp through a little science and spirituality. This will assist your rational side to begin ‘relaxing into eternity’ and feel calm about some new ‘dance’ steps.
OK, maybe I can shift to the possibility that death is becoming a choice. But the ‘Fun Way’? Nup. If it’s something that good, it couldn’t be fun as well. No way. Isn’t it ‘no pain, no gain’. Well, it used to be. But pain and suffering were all part of the death script. The Physical Immortality script is ‘Life IS meant to be easy’. Cruising along the river of your heart’s desire, changing course with ease from one life affirming adventure to the next.
Party time! And when you think party, you think music, colour, dance, food, loving friends—the ingredients in the following chapters. And no need for drugs because you’re high on life!

And the holidays—you’ll love them and I’ll tell you how they contribute to eternal life!
So put on your party clothes and join me for the celebration of your life!

………. the conception of the ‘party of your life’……….. Close your eyes for a few minutes, take some deep breaths and transport yourself back to when you were a single cell……… that single cell had all your DNA /genetic material, it was your primordial stem cell……… it then divided into trillions of identical cells……… the awesome life intelligence that is you then orchestrated some of these cells to switch off certain parts of their DNA and become liver cells, brain cells, finger nail cells, skin cells, kidney cells and so on……… and then the life intelligence arranged them all in order for the baby YOU to grow………this miracle of life is beyond words……..wrap that baby you in a beautiful rainbow as it appears in the world………Now transport yourself to the you of TODAY, of this moment……….that awesome life intelligence is still within your body orchestrating your health.
The cells in your physical body are turned over regularly. Every molecule in your body is exchanged with the environment in about 18 months. Are these cells being regenerated to a blueprint and program of healthy, vital ongoing life? Or are they being replaced to the old program of decay, disease and ‘physical death is inevitable’?
Humanity is opening it’s heart to another choice. Perhaps it’s as simple as loving ourselves enough to allow the divine life intelligence within to orchestrate ongoing healthy life ?
I spent 20 years studying and practising western medicine. From that purely solid matter perspective, I know that your body is a miracle. The orchestration of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry required just to move your little finger is awe inspiring. You are a miracle becoming more miraculous the more we learn about the body. Check out a basic physiology and biochemistry book, learn about the miracle that is you. When you realise how miraculous your body already is, the unfoldment of Physical Immortality will become logical. For a body that creates wonders with every breath, nothing is impossible. Give thanks for your body on a daily basis – your life and health will be enhanced immeasurably.

Some very recent facts from science contribute to the knowing of ongoing vital healthy life.
STEM CELLS – These multi – potential cells have been found in most tissues of the adult body. They have the ability to specialize into every cell of the body and replace any that are malfunctioning. Neuronal stem cells have been found, so even neurons (brain cells) can be replaced.
GENES – Dr Bruce Lipton, cell biologist, reports in ‘What if?’ the documentary movie (by James A Sinclair) that in the area of Epigenetic research, they have found that epigenetic techniques – ie perceptional shift techniques – create 30,000 variations on each gene blueprint. He says that we are not victims of our genes – WE ARE THE PROGRAMMERS of our genes.
BRAIN CAPACITY – The following stats were reported in the book ‘The Brain that Changes itself ‘by Dr Norman Doidge. The human cortex alone has 30 billion neurons and is capable of making 1 million billion synaptic connections. Possible neural circuits 10 followed by at least a million zeros ………..for comparison, there are an estimated 10 followed by 79 zeros particles in the known universe……..
Now, let’s look at our body from the quantum physics perspective. In his book ‘Ageless Body, Timeless Mind’, Deepak Chopra describes this level – “Your body appears to be composed of solid matter that can be broken down into molecules and atoms, but quantum physics tells us that every atom is more than 99.9999% empty space, and the sub-atomic particles moving at lightning speed through this space are actually bundles of vibrating energy. These vibrations aren’t random and meaningless, however, they carry information … the essential stuff of the Universe, including your body, is non -stuff, but it isn’t ordinary non-stuff, its thinking non-stuff.’
I prefer to call it intelligent energy. So the body has moved from a solid object to a fluid river of energy. With this understanding, to me the body has become similar to a flow of potter’s clay, to be moulded at will by the potter. Who’s the potter – your spiritual self, your mental self, your emotional self – perhaps all of the above? The divine life intelligence orchestrating to your programming??

Scientists say the quantum realm is full of quirkiness and uncertainty. One such quirk is that the vibrating energy/particle exists as a probability wave and depends on being observed to find its space/time position – the observer is an important part of the equation – what does this mean to our everyday reality? How much power do you have to shape your reality – a quote I once read springs to mind “The Universe rearranges itself to suit your version of reality” …………



  1. Thank you so much for sharing your work and insights. I’ve said to some that know me, that before leaving this earth, I will unlock and utilize portions of my brain’s capacity, that the masses have yet to tap into. The first change I would make to this statement thanks to you is “Before leaving this earth!” Thanks to your postings I am aware of a different perspective before even reading any of your other works. I look forward to sharing perspectives and reading future posts. Thank you.

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