“Who wants to live forever? John Martin Fischer wouldn’t be opposed to it — as long as he’d have an easy exit if he changed his mind a million years down the line.

It’s a question that Fischer, a distinguished professor of philosophy at the University of California, Riverside, has spent a long time pondering.

A leading philosopher of free will and moral responsibility, Fischer also studies issues related to death and immortality. He believes wondering about death is an essential aspect of being a “meaning-seeking being,” and that how we view death has significant implications for how we live our lives….”

In the interview video clip , at the 20 min mark , John speaks more about physical immortality philosophy . Also about 5 mins from the end , he speaks a little about the ‘psychology of possibility’ and hopefulness.


Posted by: physicalimmortalitythemasspossibility | February 27, 2020

Some interesting neuroscience

I feel brain / heart / body connection is important for open lifespan and potential for physical immortality –
“Sarah Garfinkel is a British neuroscientist and Professor of neuroscience and psychiatry based at the University of Sussex and the Brighton and Sussex Medical School. Her research is focused on the link between interoception and emotion and memory.”

Posted by: physicalimmortalitythemasspossibility | February 19, 2020

Ongoing Life….questions…

When we occasionally have a look at our life perhaps these are some of the questions to ask …

Was I able to dance to my own inner music at least occasionally ?
Did I choose love over fear at least a few times?
Did I realise my humanness and allow others theirs?
Did I allow myself to see and feel all the beauty and magnificence at least a few times?
Did I sometimes to laugh for no reason at all?
Did I choose to be kind more often than I chose to be right?
Was I willing to be present…and find the gift within the now…
Did I smell at least one rose…

Posted by: physicalimmortalitythemasspossibility | December 4, 2019

Interesting longevity researcher

Nina is interested in philosophy too 🙂

Posted by: physicalimmortalitythemasspossibility | November 26, 2019

Are we simply ‘rubbing out the line’ between mortality and immortality?

I feel that we are ‘rubbing out the line ‘ between mortality and immortality with the choice of open lifespan / physical immortality philosophy –
This is an excellent short clip –
Dr Bruce Greyson and the University of Virginia ‘s division of perceptional studies research on near death experiences – thousands of experiences have been studied – https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=XqGr6hT_6ak

Posted by: physicalimmortalitythemasspossibility | November 12, 2019

Alchemy , physical immortality potential and Jung

Excellent article …and the potential of physical immortality is reported to be within the core of alchemy –
“Jung said, in Aion,
“Sooner or later nuclear physics and the psychology of the unconscious will draw closely together as both of them independently of one another and from opposite directions, push forward into transcendental territory. …Psyche cannot be totally different from matter for how otherwise could it move matter? And matter cannot be alien to psyche, for how else could matter produce psyche? Psyche and matter exist in the same world, and each partakes of the other, otherwise any reciprocal action would be impossible. If research could only advance far enough, therefore, we should arrive at an ultimate agreement between physical and psychological concepts. Our present attempts may be bold, but I believe they are on the right lines.” (Jung).

“Just who were the alchemists, and why are their contributions important to us today? The alchemists were the leading explorers of consciousness in medieval times, and their research led to a vast improvement in the conditions of life. Among the more famous are Albertus Magnus, Paracelsus, Nicholas Flammel, and Sir Isaac Newton. Their contributions not only improved the lives of their contemporaries, but influenced the thought of many philosophers of the same and later eras, such as Meister Eckhart, Thomas a Kempis, John Dee, Johannes Kepler, Thomas Vaughn, Bishop Berkeley, Emanuel Swedenborg, William Blake, and Goethe.

The contribution of these eminent alchemists are staggering: Albertus Magnus, alone, wrote eight books on physics, six on psychology, eight on astronomy, twenty-six on zoology, five on minerals, one on geography, and three on life in general from an Aristotelian point-of-view. He was a Dominican friar who was canonized a saint in 1931. Paracelsus was a Swiss born in 1493. His accomplishments were many and include being the first modern medical scientist. He fathered the sciences of microchemistry, antisepsis, modern wound surgery, hypnosis and homeopathy. He wrote the first medical literature on the causes and treatment of syphilis and epilepsy, as well as books on illness derived from adverse working conditions.

Even with his accurate scientific bent, his work is also in close accord with mystical alchemical tradition. His was a worldview of animism, ensouled and infused by a variety of spirits…..

Paracelsus believed in a vital force which radiated around every man like a luminous sphere and which could be made to act at a distance. He is also credited with the early use of what we now know as hypnotism. He believed that there was a star in each man, (Mishlove)….

Kepler developed the laws of planetary motion. But he developed his theories on the basis of explorations into the dimly lit archetypal regions of man’s mind as surely as on his mathematical observations of the planetary motions. He was clearly a student in the tradition of earlier mystic-scientists such as Pythagoras and Paracelsus. Thomas Vaughn, Robert Fludd, and Sire Frances Bacon number among the 17th century Rosicrucians who practiced not only alchemy but also other hermetic arts and the qabalah.

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was a mathematical genius, as well as one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. He discovered the binomial theorem, invented differential calculus, made the first calculations of the moon’s attraction by the earth and described the laws of motion of classical mechanics, and formulated the theory of universal gravitation. He was very careful not to publish anything which was not firmly supported by experimental proofs or geometrical demonstrations; thus he exemplified and ushered in the Age of Reason.

However, if we look at Newton’s own personal notes and diaries, over a million words in his own handwriting, a startlingly different picture of the man emerges. Newton was an alchemist ….He was intensely introspective and had great mental endurance…..”


More quotes from article –

“…. If the center of the creative process takes place in the “heart of man”, his intentions take on profound significance. They can now influence the destiny of the cosmos. Attainment of this intentionality is known as the production of the Diamond Body, the stabilization of emergent magical perspectives and abilities. In modern terms, it means out-of-the-box thinking and being, a departure from … ordinary consensus reality… in a way that approaches Reality more closely. In modern consciousness studies, it can be likened to quantum consciousness, or a flow ….”

“Always remember that the body is of vital importance….To transcend somewhere out of the body is not alchemical practice; rather, imagine the body NOWHERE, or now-here, fully present as the psychophysical self and its multi-dimensional holographic projection. Alchemy views our human condition as a psychophysical “Cosmosis,” “As Above; So Below”, hence we are permeated with and of the same essence and substance as the divine….”

Posted by: physicalimmortalitythemasspossibility | September 30, 2019

Open Lifespan living – Is Life evolving us ?

An introduction for you to explore 🙂

Open Lifespan living – Is Life evolving us ?

Many are exploring the living of Open Lifespan…
people with different worldviews – holistic, scientific , spiritual, multi – dimensional and those who simply love life – are coming together . They are creating a new philosophy as they go ….one of peace, love, cooperation, joy, inclusiveness and gratitude for the gift of Life on this planet. Earth and all its inhabitants are honoured and respected as family and home. They envision hundreds of years spent in many different countries of the world….
Many have a deep sense of purpose…
They see equality and abundance in all ways for all people of the Earth – a sharing around the world of all the innovations of this creative evolution….
I have been exploring this from many viewpoints since 1992. My background in health began in 1973 when I commenced my medical degree at UWA……the integrated and holistic approach to health and the physical body has always been of interest to me.

Here is an introduction for you to explore –

Close your eyes for a few minutes, take some deep breaths and transport yourself back to when you were a single cell……that single cell had all your DNA /genetic material, it was your primordial stem cell……it then divided into trillions of identical cells………the awesome life intelligence that is you then orchestrated some of these cells to switch off certain parts of their DNA and become liver cells, brain cells, finger nail cells, skin cells, kidney cells and so on……and then the life intelligence arranged them all in order for the baby You to grow………this miracle of life is beyond words……..wrap that baby you in a beautiful rainbow as it appears in the world………Now transport yourself to the you of Today, of this moment………that awesome life intelligence is still within your body orchestrating your health.
The cells in your physical body are turned over regularly. Every molecule in your body is exchanged with the environment in about 18 months. Are these cells being regenerated to a blueprint and program of healthy, vital ongoing life…..an open lifespan construct. …? Or are they being replaced to the old program ?
Is humanity opening its heart to another choice ? Perhaps it’s as simple as loving ourselves and opening our minds enough to allow the life intelligence within to orchestrate ongoing healthy life…….
I spent 20 years studying and practicing western medicine. From that purely solid matter perspective, I know that your body is a miracle. The orchestration of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry required just to move your little finger is awe inspiring. You are a miracle becoming more miraculous the more we learn about the body….
Some recent facts from science contribute to the potential of ongoing vital healthy life –
STEM CELLS – These multi – potential cells have been found in most tissues of the adult body. They have the ability to specialize into every cell of the body and replace any that are malfunctioning. Neuronal stem cells have been found, so even neurons (brain cells) can be replaced.
GENES – Dr Bruce Lipton, cell biologist, reports in ‘What if?’ the documentary movie (by James A Sinclair) that in the area of Epigenetic research, they have found that epigenetic techniques – ie perceptional shift techniques – create 30,000 variations on each gene blueprint. He says that we are not victims of our genes – WE ARE THE PROGRAMMERS of our genes.
BRAIN CAPACITY – The following stats were reported in the book ‘The Brain that Changes itself ‘by Dr Norman Doidge. The human cortex alone has 30 billion neurons and is capable of making 1 million billion synaptic connections. Possible neural circuits 10 followed by at least a million zeros ………..for comparison, there are an estimated 10 followed by 79 zeros particles in the known universe…….
TELOMERES – the “caps” at the end of the chromosome – they are important to health and are modified by lifestyle choices …”The Telomere Effect” by Nobel prize recipient Elizabeth Blackburn for more on this.
NEUROSCIENCE – Meditation has been known to be effective for reducing stress for some time. With MRI scans , the changes in the brain are being seen and better understood.
Now, let’s look at our body from the quantum physics perspective. In his book ‘Ageless Body, Timeless Mind’, Deepak Chopra describes this – “Your body appears to be composed of solid matter that can be broken down into molecules and atoms, but quantum physics tells us that every atom is more than 99.9999% empty space, and the sub-atomic particles moving at lightning speed through this space are actually bundles of vibrating energy. These vibrations aren’t random and meaningless, however, they carry information … the essential stuff of the Universe, including your body, is non -stuff, but it isn’t ordinary non-stuff, its thinking non-stuff.’
I prefer to call it intelligent energy. So the body has moved from a solid object to a fluid river of energy. With this understanding, to me the body has become similar to a flow of potter’s clay, to be molded at will by the potter. Who’s the potter – your spiritual self, your mental self, your emotional self – perhaps all of the above? Is this Life intelligence orchestrating to your programming??…

Spirituality and multi – dimensional awareness – Robert Coon ,in his book “The Path of the Phoenix “, shares his research into several of the major spiritual traditions. This potential is spoken of in most of them and legend reports many who have evolved to this. My writing “Spirituality and physical immortality philosophy” includes quotes from Robert and others in this area. Here is a link for those who would like to explore this –

For those who would like to explore various viewpoints on this topic to an even deeper level, here is my link to the Immortality Project at the University of California –

Submission to the Immortality Project conducted by University of California, Riverside – Dr Janni Lloyd

Two practical questions frequently arise when discussing this unfoldment for humanity…

What about population and earth’s resources ? There is a book called “Abundance” by Peter Diamandis that provides possible creative solutions to most of these.
My feeling is that we will continue to have children however pregnancy will probably be more planned and children more valued and respected…unwanted and “street children “ will become a thing of history. Birth rates in western culture have reduced in the last several decades.
A statistic I saw a short while ago showed that if we all lived at the population density of Monaco and Macau – the most densely populated countries in the world , who also have high life expectancy and affluence etc – we could all fit into a country with a land mass not much bigger than Germany. I would not like to live at that population density myself, however what it does indicate is that we are not going to run out of space any time soon.
Creative thinking ,such as bringing water to deserts , vertical farming etc , could open up more living space …..and perhaps , in several hundred years , colonising another planet may become an option.

The other popular question-
How are we going to pay for it? I don’t know for sure….however if people who have been here longer are more valued and seen as ongoing contributors to our community , we do not know what kind of creative economic solutions may appear. For example, more flexibility around hours of work / week may create new models that would benefit all.
An element of trust is probably involved…..as has been necessary with many evolutionary steps that humanity has taken previously.

Let your creative mind be free …..

Enjoy the exploration 🙂

Posted by: physicalimmortalitythemasspossibility | August 27, 2019

More interesting science and Open Lifespan living

This may be a key mechanism for ongoing maintenance and regeneration in vivo …ie within the physical body.

Interesting connection between pluripotent stem cells , telomeres and epigenetic factors which all play roles in healthy longevity and the potential for open lifespan living –
“It is a piece of the puzzle that explains the observed powerful connection between the phenomenon of pluripotency and telomeres -protective structures at the ends of chromosomes- a kind of butterfly effect in which a protein that is only present in telomeres shows a global action on the genome. This butterfly effect is essential to initiate and maintain pluripotency.

The DNA of telomeres directs the production of long RNA molecules called TERRAs. What the CNIO researchers found is that TERRAs act on key genes for pluripotency through the Polycomb proteins, which control the programs that determine the fate of cells in the early embryo by depositing a biochemical mark on the genes. The on/off switch that regulates TERRAs, in turn, is a protein that is only present in telomeres; this protein is TRF1, one of the components of the telomere-protecting complex …..

It has been known for about fifteen years how to return the power of pluripotency to cells by acting on certain genes. However, the researchers noticed that this recipe did not work if the TRF1 gene was turned off. Moreover, TRF1 was one of the most activated genes when pluripotency was induced. These facts intrigued the researchers. Why was TRF1, a gene whose product is only found in telomeres, activated so much, and how could this be essential for pluripotency?

We could not understand how a gene that deals with telomere maintenance has such a profound effect on a global process like pluripotency,” says Maria Blasco, Head of the Telomeres and Telomerase Group at CNIO.

To find an explanation, they decided to carry out a random search by analyzing the changes in the expression of the entire genome when the expression of TRF1 was prevented — something like blindly casting a large net into the sea to see what is in it. “We saw that TRF1 had an enormous, but very organized, effect,” explains Blasco….

Posted by: physicalimmortalitythemasspossibility | June 28, 2019

Science and Open Lifespan Living

Recent Scientific understandings that link with Healthy Longevity and the potential for Open Lifespan Living –

Neuroplasticity – The brain is ‘plastic’ and will morph and change with new tasks. The following stats were reported in the book ‘The Brain that Changes itself ‘ by Dr Norman Doidge. The human cortex alone has 30 billion neurons and is capable of making 1 million billion synaptic connections. Possible neural circuits 10 followed by at least a million zeros ………..for comparison, there are an estimated 10 followed by 79 zeros particles in the known universe….

Telomeres –
Elizabeth Blackburn – https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/jan/29/telomere-effect-elizabeth-blackburn-nobel-prize-medicine-chromosomes
You won your Nobel prize for medicine for your discoveries concerning telomeres, found at the ends of chromosomes. What are telomeres and what happens to them ?
“If you think of your chromosomes – which carry your genetic material – as shoelaces, telomeres are the little protective tips at the end. They are made of repeating short sequences of DNA sheathed in special proteins.

During our lives they tend to wear down and when telomeres can’t protect chromosomes properly, cells can’t replenish and they malfunction….
But the process is somewhat malleable. It is happening in all of us at some rate, but the rate can change. An enzyme called telomerase can add DNA to the ends of chromosomes to slow, prevent and partially reverse the shortening….”

“People hadn’t understood why at the cellular level the sorts of things that are recommended to improve lifestyle can help ….One reason is because they are helping you maintain telomeres. ….a lot of new studies – from genetics, epidemiology and social science – have been accumulating. … a new biological underpinning to the mind-body connection. Nobody had any idea that meditation and the like, which people can use to reduce stress and increase wellbeing, would be having their salutary and well-documented useful effects in part through telomeres. …. recognising how much control we can have. Small tweaks in how you approach stress, for example, can lead to long-term habits that make a difference.”

Epigenetics – defined as ‘the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.’

Epigenetics is revealing many possible ‘mechanisms’ through which holistic health assists the physical body –
” Reiki potentially involves a cell-to-brain connection that is capable of changing brain states and influencing physiological processes. Of note is that Merkel cells, located in the epidermis of the palms and fingers, are excitable cells that are in close contact with sensory nerve endings and contain melanosomes responsible for human magnetoreception [121]. A brain-to-Merkel cell connection is bidirectional, and the ability of the multisensorial Merkel cells to absorb and radiate electromagnetic frequencies may be the source of Reiki’s efficacy [121]. Given that the brain is a malleable organ (in terms of programming) and that the neuromotor patterns are changeable, such biofield modes of treatment may help relieve deep emotional past-patterns and usher in the positive energy necessary to facilitate healing. The recruitment of energy as the basis of healing in modalities such as Reiki, in conjunction with the underlying plasticity of the brain, suggests that their ability to heal depends on an epigenetic mechanism….’

Epigenetic Mechanisms of Integrative Medicine –

Stem cells – mobilization in body-

Endurance Exercise Mobilizes Developmentally Early Stem Cells into Peripheral Blood and Increases their Number in Bone Marrow: Implications for Tissue Regeneration

Posted by: physicalimmortalitythemasspossibility | June 25, 2019

Open Lifespan Living

….. Close your eyes for a few minutes, take some deep breaths and transport yourself back to when you were a single cell……… that single cell had all your DNA /genetic material, it was your primordial stem cell……… it then divided into trillions of identical cells……… the awesome life intelligence that is you then orchestrated some of these cells to switch off certain parts of their DNA and become liver cells, brain cells, finger nail cells, skin cells, kidney cells and so on……… and then the life intelligence arranged them all in order for the baby YOU to grow………this miracle of life is beyond words……..wrap that baby you in a beautiful rainbow as it appears in the world………Now transport yourself to the you of TODAY, of this moment……….that awesome life intelligence is still within your body orchestrating your health.
The cells in your physical body are turned over regularly. Every molecule in your body is exchanged with the environment in about 18 months. Are these cells being regenerated to a blueprint and program of healthy, vital ongoing life? Or are they being replaced to the old program of decay, disease and ‘physical death is inevitable’?
Humanity is opening its heart to another choice. Perhaps it’s as simple as loving ourselves enough to allow the divine life intelligence within to orchestrate ongoing healthy life…….…
I spent 20 years studying and practicing western medicine. From that purely solid matter perspective, I know that your body is a miracle. The orchestration of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry required just to move your little finger is awe inspiring. You are a miracle becoming more miraculous the more we learn about the body. Check out a basic physiology and biochemistry book, learn about the miracle that is you. When you realise how miraculous your body already is, the unfoldment of Open Lifespan Living / Physical Immortality will become logical. For a body that creates wonders with every breath, nothing is impossible. Give thanks for your body on a daily basis – your life and health will be enhanced immeasurably.
Some recent facts from science contribute to the knowing of ongoing vital healthy life.
STEM CELLS – These multi – potential cells have been found in most tissues of the adult body. They have the ability to specialize into every cell of the body and replace any that are malfunctioning. Neuronal stem cells have been found, so even neurons (brain cells) can be replaced.
GENES – Dr Bruce Lipton, cell biologist, reports in ‘What if?’ the documentary movie (by James A Sinclair) that in the area of Epigenetic research, they have found that epigenetic techniques – ie perceptional shift techniques – create 30,000 variations on each gene blueprint. He says that we are not victims of our genes – WE ARE THE PROGRAMMERS of our genes.
BRAIN CAPACITY – The following stats were reported in the book ‘The Brain that Changes itself ‘by Dr Norman Doidge. The human cortex alone has 30 billion neurons and is capable of making 1 million billion synaptic connections. Possible neural circuits 10 followed by at least a million zeros ………..for comparison, there are an estimated 10 followed by 79 zeros particles in the known universe……..
Now, let’s look at our body from the quantum physics perspective. In his book ‘Ageless Body, Timeless Mind’, Deepak Chopra describes this level – “Your body appears to be composed of solid matter that can be broken down into molecules and atoms, but quantum physics tells us that every atom is more than 99.9999% empty space, and the sub-atomic particles moving at lightning speed through this space are actually bundles of vibrating energy. These vibrations aren’t random and meaningless, however, they carry information … the essential stuff of the Universe, including your body, is non -stuff, but it isn’t ordinary non-stuff, its thinking non-stuff.’
I prefer to call it intelligent energy. So the body has moved from a solid object to a fluid river of energy. With this understanding, to me the body has become similar to a flow of potter’s clay, to be molded at will by the potter. Who’s the potter – your spiritual self, your mental self, your emotional self – perhaps all of the above? The divine life intelligence orchestrating to your programming??
Scientists say the quantum realm is full of quirkiness and uncertainty. One such quirk is that the vibrating energy/particle exists as a probability wave and depends on being observed to find its space/time position – the observer is an important part of the equation – what does this mean to our everyday reality? How much power do you have to shape your reality – a quote I once read springs to mind “The Universe rearranges itself to suit your version of reality”.
Many branches of holistic health / alternative/complimentary medicine are based on vibrational energy similar to the description of energy within quantum physics. Many eastern countries and indigenous cultures knew of this reality long before western science. The ancient Rishis in India are reported to have known of sub-atomic particles many years before the birth of Christ. The chakra system from India, the acupuncture meridian system from China, colour therapy from the Egyptians and others, flower essences used by the Native American and Australian aboriginal peoples are all examples of vibrational energy medicine. These therapies seem to be manipulating energy at a quantum level….
Physical Immortality philosophy understands and fuses body/mind/emotions/spirit into ONE whole. It is about living from an open loving heart, being focused in the now, creating much joy, abundance and freedom. Most of the major religions, if one delves deeply enough, contain evidence of a physically immortal impulse. Many areas of spiritual wisdom are explored in Robert Coon’s book ‘Physical Immortality — History Theory and Techniques’. Let’s conclude this chapter with a word from Robert—- ‘Immortals make no apology for being absolutely in love with Life!…….Immortal philosoph and experience unite the creator and the creation into one, divine whole. The body is experienced as the most sacred temple of truth, which is destined never to be destroyed. All matter is sacred, alive and divine. “’


The Fun Way of Physical Immortality Philosophy’ Dr Janni Lloyd – Book and eBook available at Lulu.com http://www.lulu.com/shop/janni-lloyd/the-fun-way-of-physical-immortality-philosophy/ebook/product-20317666.html

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